Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chapter 4

The study subjects to determine the relationship between numbers of years in service and the
level of critical thinking and confidence in decision making of registered nurses.
More specifically, this study subjects to answer the following questions:
1. What is the (characteristic) profile respondents in terms of the number of years in service as registered nurse
2. What is the level of critical thinking and confidence in decision making of the respondents
3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of respondents in terms of number of years and the level of critical thinking and confidence in decision making as registered nurse?
Null hypothesis:
This study advance that there is no significant relationship between the profile of respondents in the number of years in service and the level of critical thinking and confidence of their decision making as registered nurse.

Data Gathering: A letter of request signed by the dean was sent to each respective hospitals
During the formal gathering procedure, another letter was given to the respondents asking for their consent singed and noted by the chief of hospital whether or not they are willing to subject themselves as the respondents for this study. Enclosed with the letter were standardized questionnaire for the respondent to answer.
Statistical treatment:
The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient is the most widely used measure of correlation or association. It is named after Karl Pearson who developed the co relational method to do research. The product moment part of the name comes from the way in which it is calculated, by summing up the products of the deviations of the scores from the mean. In the study of relationships, two variables are said to be correlated if change in one variable is accompanied by change in the other – either in the same or reverse direction.
As shown on the tables, it can be gleaned that the computed r-values of 0.246 and 0.261are described low correlation, present but slight positive relationships. These results mean that the length of service of respondents had a slight bearing on contribution to their critical thinking and confidence on their decision making.
Based on the study conducted it was found out that there is no significant relationship between the length of service, classified as novice and expert, and their critical thinking and confidence on decision making. Therefore we conclude that Critical thinking on confidence in decision making is not dependent on the number of years in service. It shows that even novices can be exhibit confidence in decision making in carrying out nursing orders


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